Spanish bullfight.


Bullfighting (Corrida) – a traditional Spanish battle of man and bull. Apart from Spain, this event is common in some countries of South America. The Spaniards in common use another name Bullfighting – "Toros", which literally means "Bulls".

Bullfighting is an ancient Spanish ceremony, which had originally some kind of ritual motivated, but have lost it and became a notable entertainment for citizens. For this ceremony was only used black bulls, symbolizing death.

Interestingly, at different times, Bullfighting was subjected to severe persecution in the 16th century even completely banned by decree of Pius V, but the Spanish monashestvo managed to defend the right of the Spaniards to their cultural heritage and entertainment – the ban was lifted. In the modern Corrida fight any kind of animal rights activists, who managed to achieve great success in this field – in some parts of Spain bullfighting was under complete prohibition.

Initially It was involved only mounted units, Hiking is a form of Bullfighting appeared only in the 17th century. This dramatic change in traditions occurred due to Philip V, the Frenchman took the Spanish throne at the age of 17, according to the will of the childless Spanish king Charles II. Though willing to Philip V became king of Spain, the Spaniards, as their traditions and culture, he is not particularly fond of, and therefore with great enthusiasm began to disfigure them in the French manner.

The modern corrida is significantly different from my old version and bullfighting adopted under Philip V.

Bullfighting takes place on a specially built round the arena to the bull could not hide in a corner. Arena is divided into several circles, sectors, outlined with white paint. The fight is divided into three conditional part, called "thirds», which involved several types of men: the picador, the matadors (also known as a bullfighter and bullfighters) of banderillero and novillero (this is a Matador fighting with a bull that has no 4-years).

Often in battle, involving bulls older than 4 years, it is possible to use bulls and young children, but it is considered a shameful occupation for an experienced Matador. Young bulls train of novillero – novice matadors, has never killed an adult bull.

According to the rules of bullfighting, the Matador does not dare to choose a bull for the fight, the selection is made randomly. The only exception is for matadors women, they can choose a bull for the upcoming battle, because it allows them to simplify the battle, selecting a smaller bull.

The theme of bullfighting always worried about all the great Spanish artists from Goya to Picasso, from Lorca to Almodovar.

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